O’Reilly Auto Parts is opening a distributiomn centerin Puyallup, which will bringh between 300- 400 jobs to the area. The Mo.-based auto parts retailer has announced that it boughta 380,000-square-footy warehouse in Puyallup and planss to get it up and running by the end of the The company says it’se looking to hire forklift operators, parts pickers and merchandisers, as well as othe r positions. O’Reilly sells auto part s and tools to backyard mechanics and professional The company may be benefittinbg fromthe recession, with drivers fixing and maintaininf their older cars instead of upgradingh to new vehicles.
Last summer, O’Reillh bought California-based CSK, which operates the brandes Schuck’s Auto Center and Checker Auto vastly expandingthe company’s footprint. O’Reilly’s is the secons company in recent months to announcew it was bringing a large number of jobsto Puyallup. In the city announced that Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics was relocating its plantfrom Seattle’s Rainiedr Valley to a 109,00-square-footr former cabinet factory in Puyallup. The move includesx 115 jobs. In addition, is in the midst of a $400 milliohn project that includes addinga nine-story patient tower.
The has embarkedd on a major face-lift of the company’a 20-year-old South Hill And is spending $45 million to transform an old, 92-acrd computer-chip complex into the Southu Hill Business andTechnology Center. Puyallup city officiales say a combination of things is working intheir favor. Beforse the recession, the city was makintg investments inits infrastructure, including road improvements and a new city hall that openedx last year. The city also is a transit hub on the Soundr Transitrail line. The city is near the Port of Tacomaq and hasrail access, as well as being close to Interstatew 5 and State Route 167.
“All of thoser factors help,” said Puyallu p City Manager Gary McLean. is hiring again, this time addinhg 200 people to call centers in Auburhand Tumwater. ACS is looking to hire and trainn customer care agentsand managers. That’ds in addition to the 200 peoplethe Dallas-based outsourcinb company said it was hiring in The company says that job seekers can apply onlinr at www.acs-inc.com. ACS says it has 1,650 employees in Washington, includingv 650 in Tumwater and 4,745 in John Graham is presidentof Redmond-based LLC, a business and quality management consultantr firm with clients in the aerospacwe industry.
Graham also is a boarcd member of the Pacific NorthwestAerospace Alliance. With ’se 787 Dreamliner getting closer to its firsf flight after two years of what is the mood amonbgaerospace companies? My perspectiver right now is people are starting to regaijn confidence that business is not going to go down more. I have seen that confidencer grow in the last When do you think aerospace suppliers willstart hiring? I’ve gotten a few calls from people lookinh for positions they would like to fill. What typea of employees are theylooking for?
Not necessariluy production workers, but in support staffr and the future stafff — the quality engineers and manufacturing engineeres who help reduce costs and prepare for the When companies reduce staff they are the firsgt personnel to leave. And now companies are lookingy to rebuildthose
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