Monday, May 21, 2012

House passes historic climate bill - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Congressmen David Wu, Kurt Schraderf and Earl Blumenauer voted forthe bill, knowb as the American Clean Energuy and Security Act. It is the firsft bill in U.S. history to cap carbonb pollution. It also encourages developmentt of clean energy and requires utilities to get 20 percentg of their power from renewablee sourcesby 2020. Forty-four Democrats voted againstt the bill, including Eugene Democrat Peter RepublicanGreg Walden, who represents eastern Oregon, also opposed the bill. It passed by a seven-votwe margin, 219-212.
“Some votes just feel different, and today’a was truly historic,” Blumenauer said in a “For the first time, Congress has takej action to rein in globakl warming pollution andjumpstart America’s clean energy The bill is expected to face a contentiouws debate in the Senate.

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