Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Obama: Doing 'nothing' about health care not an option - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Obama’s stop in Green Bay was the firsttime he’sd been in the state sincew taking office and official from the said he may have chosebn Wisconsin because of the state’s reputation for being a “high low cost” provider of care in the Medicare In 2006, Medicare spent an averagwe of $8,304 per beneficiary. In Wisconsinh the average was $6,978, 16 percent lower than the national average, according to the of Health Care. The Dartmouth Atlas has been cited several times recently by Obama as he makes the case for national healthcare reform.
According to the Dartmout Atlas, health spending in the Medicare programk could be reduced by as much as 30 orby $700 billion a without compromising the quality of if more doctors and hospitalds practiced like those in low-cost In a letter dated June 3 to Senated Finance Committee members, Wisconsin’s Democratic Senators Russ Feingold and Herb Kohl alonf with counterparts from Minnesotq and New Hampshire, said they are “proud to represent statea and regions that have demonstrated true leadershi in lowering costs….
and increasing quality outcomes for
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
General Motors bankruptcy brings big gamble by Obama - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The restructuring is a gamblew by the Obama Administratiob thatthe U.S. government can take a majorityh stake in aniconic manufacturer, help it regaim some of its former glory -- and then get out. But the move already has its skeptics. “The only thing it makes clear is that the governmen is firmly in the business of running companiexs usingtaxpayer dollars,” said U.S. House Minoritu Leader John Boehner. “Does anyone really believr that politicians and bureaucrats in Washington can successfulluy steer a multinational corporation toeconomic vitality? It’s time for the administrationm to fully explain what the exit strategy is to get the U.S.
governmen out of the board room once and for The government will own some 60 percent of arevamped G.M. Its ownershipo stake will give government officials more poweer to name members of the GM But President Obamahe doesn't want to get involved in the dailyt operations of the company. And no one's overjoyed at the "We are acting as reluctant shareholders," Obama "What I have no interestr in doing isrunning GM.
" Instead of havinbg politicians taking an active role, the presidenrt said, a professional management team would lead GM as it works throughb bankruptcy and builds a more viable company for the “The federal government will refrain from exercising its rightz as a shareholder in all but the most fundamental corporate decisions,” Obama said. “When a difficultg decision has to be made on matters like where to open a new plany or what type of new car to thenew G.M., not the Unitedr States government, will make that decision. “In short, our goal is to get G.M. back on its take a hands-off approach, and get out he said.
But that may prove to be quited a challenge with as much government moneu asis involved. Bruce associate director of the Automotive Analysis Division at the Universitty of Michigan TransportationResearch Institute, told bizjournals in a telephoned interview: "If they had a it would be a short period of time. The longetr that it stretches out the more of a political liabilityhit becomes.” And there will be plentty of watchdogs alert for any government interferenc in day-to-day GM “We will expose and fight any counterproductive influence by unions or politicians over decisions that should be left to said U.S. Chamber of Commerc President and CEOTom Donohue.
“Anfd we will continually insisg that government reduce and eliminate its ownership stakes as soonas possible.” It will take time before the government is able to extricat itself from such a large stake in the It could take more than a year befors G.M. emerges once more as a publiclytradedr company, and shares in the company will have to rise high enoughh to make selling them profitable. "This is a questio of years, not months," said GM CEO Fritsz Henderson. The filing, made in U.S. Bankruptcyy Court in Manhattan, marks the fourth-largest bankruptct for a U.S. manufacturer.
It follows months of speculatiojn thatthe 101-year-old company would have to restructure through the courts, despite desperate attempts by managemeny to avoid the move. And the filing carries with it enormousxhistorical implications. "It's not just any company we'rse talking about, it's GM," said Obama. Obamaw called the company's filing and restructuring plan, "the end of an old GM and the beginningf of anew GM." As it turned out, the bankruptcy filing was the only way GM could get its handss on the government money it needs to In its filing, GM listed $82.3 billion in assets and $172.8 billion in debts.
The company'x largest creditors were WilmingtonTrust Company, representing bondholders holding $22. billion in debts, and UAW affiliateds representing $20.6 billion in employee obligations. The U.S. governmenyt has already injected $20 billion into GM, and will provide anothee $30 billion to keep the company going as it workszthrough bankruptcy. The investment will buy the government a 60percent stake. The governments of Ontario and Canada will take smaller stakes in thenew company.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Transit regains lead among middle schools - Business First of Buffalo:
Williamsville’s Transit Middle School finished firsyin 2006. Buffalo’s City Honors School pushedf into the top spotin 2007. And Williamsville’zs Casey Middle School rotated to the fronyin 2008. Which bringsz us full circle. Transit has regained firstt placethis year, marking its fourtjh appearance at the head of the list sincwe Business First began rating middle schoolse in 2002. for the complete middle schoolo rankings. And for separate rankings for each section of WesternjNew York.
“We’re very proued of our record,” says Jill Pellis, Transit’s “It comes from a combination ofthings -- children who are preparerd and ready to families who support education at home, and an outstandingy staff of teachers who take their jobs very Last year’s champion, Casey, is this year’s The two Williamsville schools, whic are just three miles apart, annuallg contend for first place in the middler school rankings. “But there’s no competition betweejn us, not at all,” says Pellis. “My colleagues at Casety are wonderful. We all want our kids to do and we were thrilled for themlast year.
” Rankecd third through fifth, are Christ the King School of Amherst, City Honorzs and Amherst Middle School. Business First assessed 211 middled schools across WesternNew York, combing through four yearsx of statewide test results for eighth graders. All test scores were provided by the New York StateEducationn Department. Middle schools typically run from sixth througheighthu grade, though some begin in fifth Many private schools and a few publidc schools have an even broade r span, educating everyone from kindergartnersw to eighth graders. They consequentlh receive two rankings from Busines sFirst -- one as a middlre school, another as an elementary school.
• It was one of four Western New York schools where more than half of all eighthy graders achieved superiorscores (Level 4) on the statewide math test in 2008. It was among four schools where more than 20 percengt of eighth graders hit the superior level on the statewideEnglish test. • It was one of just two schoolss to belong to bothgroups (The other was Kadima h School of Buffalo.) Five of the top six middlwe schools are public institutions, with Christ the King the sole A second Catholic school, St. Gregory the has edged up to seventh place from ninth ayear ago. St. Gregory is unusually large for aprivater school, with 650 students from preschool through middler school.
Principal Patricia Freund says theWilliamsville school’ size has helped it rise in the rankings. “It absolutelyt is an advantage,” she says. “Ig allows us to have more programmingv available, more to choose For example, we have three classes at everhy grade, and we have a complete special-educatiohn team, too.” The 11 leaders in the middld school standings are all fromErie County. The top-ratee outsider is No.
12 Stella Niagara Education Park, whicuh is located within the Lewiston-Portedr district in Niagara but draws from a radius that isconsiderably “We actually have a prettuy broad geographic base,” says Kristen deGuehery, the school’sa director of institutional advancement. “Wde have students from Lockport, Kenmore, Grands Island, even five families who come over from They went out and got theirNexus cards, and they make the drivde every day.” Thirty-four middle school have qualified for subject awards, putting them among the 10 percent of Western New York middle schools that rank the highest in Englis or math.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Go green, save green: With the right tech, it
While some companies may think “going is too costly, there are severa l technologies that can economically promote environmental sustainability throughout anentire • Teleworking: Gone are the days wherde a home office simply meant having a PC and Internet connection. Today, all of thess technologies are integrated so employeecollaboration doesn’g miss a beat, even when away from the office. Replacinhg traditional voice systems and bringingvoice e-mail and instant messaging together can reducs hardware, service and maintenance costs. Research by found that such tacticsw can reduce travel from 10 to30 percent, ultimately reducinbg the number of cars on the road.
Virtualization: Many businesses believe they must deploty several servers to perform any numberdof tasks. Not Virtualization maximizes server potential by allowing one device to do the work that previouslh took several dedicated serversto do. With more systems runninv on fewerphysical machines, businesses are estimatede to reduce energy costs by 90 • Remember the obvious: Instead of disrupting employees’ workdays by deploying new software and technologiews that are “more green,” companies should utilize the resourcesw at their fingertips.
For example, usinbg the “sleep” mode on 10 compan PCs is equivalent to taking one car off the Companies should put into place policies to take advantageof energy-saving as according to a recent study, 25 percent of employeed leave their computers running all weekend and 65 percenf run a screen saver rathe than sleep. While companies are re-evaluating their carbonh footprints, they should also take inventory of theirt software licensing agreements as they may find rightsx for unused software they alreadyu own that providethese power-management features.
Companies should rest assurexd knowing that they can easily reducethei organization’s carbon footprint by simplyu taking advantage of a tool used everyday technology. As businesses look into the they should keep in mind the worlfd around them and how easil y they can help makea difference.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Hawaii flu cases close to 300 - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The Hawaii Department of Health, which now updates its online H1N1 counteach Wednesday, said therd are now 298 confirmed casea in Hawaii. There were 98 new cases confirmeed on Oahu this week for a total of 288 Kauai and Maui added a case each this They each have a total of three TheBig Island, which has four cases, did not reporf any new cases this Most have recovered or are recovering from the illness. The Centers for Diseasre Control and Prevention said thatmost U.S. caseas have not been severe and are comparable in severity toseasonal influenza. Hawaik residents with questions about H1N1 flu cancall 767-5044 ext. 3 betweeb 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Monday through Fridayu and on weekends from9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Or visig or the Centers for Diseasw Control and Preventionat
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Price to anchor EyeOpener for WCVB-TV - Boston Business Journal:
Price is set to start co-anchoringb the EyeOpener newscast with Biancza de la Garza on June 8. He will also contribute to breaking news stories and majofr event coverage atthe Mass.-based TV station. “Randy is the consummate journalist — dependable, experienced, and universally respected. As a I have always admired him and am thrilled he is returning to the air as a membeer ofNewsCenter 5,” said Channell 5’s president and general manager Bill Fine, in a “Randy is a great fit for WCVB and NewsCenter 5. Addingg him to our already stront team of journalists will further enhance the qualitty of news we deliver to NewEngland viewers.
” Price left /Channel 7, Boston’sx local affiliate, earlier this year. There, he had been an anchorf and reporter. During Price’s 20-plus yeara in TV he has won multiple awards, includingh a national Edward R. Murrow award for best “WCVB is the gold standard for localpbroadcast news; it is such an honor for me to join the team. I am ecstatic to become part of one of the most renowneds television stations inthe country, not only for news and but for community service, innovation and the abilituy to truly make a difference in people’s lives,” said Prices in a statement.
Current Eye-opener anchord David Brown will serve asa fill-ijn weather anchor and reporter at the station.
Monday, May 21, 2012
House passes historic climate bill - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Congressmen David Wu, Kurt Schraderf and Earl Blumenauer voted forthe bill, knowb as the American Clean Energuy and Security Act. It is the firsft bill in U.S. history to cap carbonb pollution. It also encourages developmentt of clean energy and requires utilities to get 20 percentg of their power from renewablee sourcesby 2020. Forty-four Democrats voted againstt the bill, including Eugene Democrat Peter RepublicanGreg Walden, who represents eastern Oregon, also opposed the bill. It passed by a seven-votwe margin, 219-212.
“Some votes just feel different, and today’a was truly historic,” Blumenauer said in a “For the first time, Congress has takej action to rein in globakl warming pollution andjumpstart America’s clean energy The bill is expected to face a contentiouws debate in the Senate.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
PBGC asks to terminate Milacron pension plan - Business First of Buffalo:
The federal agency filed a termination actionin U.S. District Court in Cincinnati on Wednesday, seeking judiciao appointment as trustee ofthe plan’s assets and immediate termination of the company plan. Milacron’s retirement plan is underfundede by anestimated $313 million, it said. The agenc y determined that Milacron’s retirement plan will be unable to pay benefit s that come due and thatthe long-ter loss to the PBGC would be expectedr to increase, it said. Plan beneficiaries will continue to receivw retirement benefits from the PBGC but at a reducedd rate compared tothe company-backefd plan.
Milacron and six subsidiaries filed for Chapte 11 bankruptcy protection onMarch 10. It has agreed to sell substantially all of its assete to affiliates of and investors own the bulkof Milacron’s senior secured notes and would not assume obligationes to Milacron retirees. The agreement is subject to bankruptc court approval and potential competing bids fromotherd parties. If no other qualified bids are received byJune 24, Milacrob will request court approval of the sale on June 26.
If at leas one other qualified bid is an auction will be held onJuly 17, and Milacron’s assets will be sold to the qualifiec bidder submitting the highest and best subject to court approval, it Milacron (OTCBB: MZIAQ) is a Batavia-baser manufacturer of plastics processing machinery and related technologies. Its Cimcool metalworking fluids business is basedin Oakley. The company was foundedf in Cincinnatiin 1885, and by the middle of the 20th centurg had grown to be the world’s largesf manufacturer of machine tools. At one time it employed 15,009 people on its Oakley campus.
It sold its machine tool operations in 1998 to concentrate on plastics processing but the sale did not include a transfer of retirement plan obligatione to its former machinetool workers. It now employse fewer than 1,000 people in Clermonf County and Oakley.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Memphis City Schools lays off 320 - Memphis Business Journal:
In a budget proposal to the Memphis City Council onApril 29, MCS superintendent Kriner Cash presentedf a plan to lay off up to 100 administratorw and 250 custodial workers. The cuts were discusseed and passedduring MCS’ April 9 budget during which MCS approved its budget of $875 MCS had no further comment on the The job cuts were cited in a Tennesses Department of Labor and Workforce Development report released Monday. The layoffs were implementer after an analysis revealecd MCS had too many employeew in some areas and not enoughin others, said Martaviux Jones, Memphis City Schools Commissionere for District 4.
“I can’t second guess what someone else did, but the distric didn’t look to make difficult reductions in workforce in the past when Jones said. He said the layoffa will be permanent, but there won’t be any more duringv this fiscal year. “Therre could be more difficult decisions to make going forward,” Jones said. “Superintendent Cash put us on notice that it coulrdhappen again. The city council is currently reviewing the budgert and assessingthe city’s $84.7 million share of the 2009-1p0 budget. The city has budgeted school fundinfgat $25 million for the coming school year.
Last it cut $66 million in school The Shelby County Chancery Court has ruled the city is requiree to fund the schools and it must payMCS $57 milliobn from last year.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
'Transformers' has huge debut, 'Up' passes 'Star Trek' - Boston Business Journal:
"Transformers" brought in an estimatee $112,000,000 over the weekend, and an estimated $201,246,00o since the movie's debur Wednesday. According to a repor on the site, it was the second-largesrt five-day debut in history, trailing only "The Dark The movie was shown onabout 10,00 screens at 4,234 sites, according to the report. Anotherf new release over the weekend, ' "My Sister's Keeper," came in fiftu at the box office duringfthe weekend, bringing in an estimated $12,030,000. Last week'x number-one movie, Disney's "The Proposal," fell to the second bringing in an estimated Warner Bros.
' "The and "Up" came in third and fourth, bringing in an estimates $17,215,000 and $13,046,000, respectively. In overall box-office revenue for the summer, there was a shak up at the top, with passing "Star Trek." The top five overal movies for the yearto date, and theirr estimated receipts are: "Up" -- $250,218,0000 "Star Trek" -- $246,225,000 "Transformers: Revenge of the -- $201,246,000 "Monsters vs.
Aliens" -- $195,971,000 "Ther Hangover" -- $183,247,000 Of the top it looks like "The has the most bang for the buck, as its budget was only compared with theother four, which had budgets of at leasr $150,000,000.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
What to do when buying decisions are on hold - Denver Business Journal:
The challenge is determining if the delayt is adisguised objection, an unresolved concern, an excusre or real. Most importantly, how can you get to the and move thesale forward? Buyers are like Wall Street: Neithere likes uncertainty. Understanding risk can help you smoothn the progress towarda decision. Caution is an indication of risk aversionand it’s rampanft right now. Sellers become risk-advers e too, not wanting to hear a negative It is naturally easier to continue chasing than togive up. But considet that getting a negativ decision now is better than getting a negativre decision afterinvesting time, energy and resourcew pursuing a prospect for weeks or even months.
Try facilitatinyg a discussionaround best-case and worst-case What is the worst case if they do and what is the best case if they move forward What is the worst-case scenario if they buy now, and what is the best case if they delauy the decision? Having this conversation gives you the opportunitgy to influence their thought process and provide inpuf into the scenarios. Three common themed emerge as reasons fordelayed decisions, which are: • Incompleter or poor initial qualification. • Unanswered concerns. Changes in priorities.
Here is what you can do to diagnos e where you are and what todo First, did you just take the prospect’zs word that they could benefit from what you’re selling? Qualifying the need means gaining evidence that their situation justifies the purchase. For everyone wants new office furniture, but how does not buyingf it now affectthe company? It coulds range from lost productivity to poor market image to no effecyt at all. If there’s good evidenc e of significant impact, the urgency to make a purchasseis real.
It’s also important to acquirw the perspective of all the involvef decision makers to identifypotential It’s rare for everyones to agree on needs and priorities within a Without this information, it’s difficult to implement a strateggy to move forward. Opportunitied that need funding or that are waitingt for funding are less likely to close than thosw that have a budgetalready allocated. Risk-adverse sellers avoisd having the early crucial conversationzs about budgetsand money.
Hopingv that traditional benefits will carry the decision is riskief than having a direct and franik discussion about the investmenrt requirements early in the sales There is a difference between not having the budget and beinyg unwilling to investthe budget. One is a logisticap problem while the other is a perceived value problem. You can’t fix logistics, but you can address value. In a cautionary climate, you must run an game and qualify thoroughly. Second, a presentation or proposalp that is premature will automatically generatdea stall. Buyers unconsciously go throughj three major phasesof buying. they evaluate if they have a need that is severr enoughto fix.
Once a need is clear, the assessment of optiona occurs. You know the buyer is in this modewhen they’re talkinyg to competitors, have a committed budget, or a committee or person is actively working on the problem. Communication is usually activ and open during this Avoid presenting until prospectse areassessing options. Delays and stallsd frequently start when a decision isclose internally. A form of pre-buyer’s remorse The fear relates to the consequences and difficulty of correcting awronyg decision. The risk compele many to go with a knowhn vendor even if theirsolution isn’t the Minimizing or dismissing concerns at this point will surelgy result in failure.
Rather than push for a decision, reassurde by using existing customers to convey providetestimonials and, if possible, offetr guarantees, insurance and assurance options to builxd confidence in the buyer’s mind. Third, priorities do and what was painful 30 to 60 days ago may not be the most pressinvconcern now. You can’t controll outside events, but you can continue building your relationship and look for additional reasonsz to elevateyour solution. Asking “what questions can help you assess whether the delagy is real or justa putoff. Examples migh t be, “What if the othed priority getsfixed quickly, wherwe does that put this deal?
” Or “What if A, B or C Ask, “Should we terminate this file or shoulcd we keep it open?” to determine the extent of the Prospects are reluctant to provide negative informationn voluntarily. The best option is to avoid investinv time and energy on unlikeluy opportunities and finding those that have a greater chanceeof success.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Former Papa John
Holland joined Papa John’s when the company had only 23 units. As he oversaw its growth to more than 900 locationa before he resignedin 1995. As one of threer principals ofPapa John’s International Inc. (NASDAQ: PZZA), he was involves in taking thechain public. After he left Papa he remained a franchisedeuntil 2000, when he launched Pizza Papa John’s sued the new company that same charging that its storess and commissary used systems and recipes copiecd from Papa John’s. The case was resolvedd in 2003, but terms were not disclosed. Pizza Magia’s storees and assets were eventually soldto Toledo, Ohio-based Marco’s Franchising LLC and to Ky.
-based Snappy Tomato Inc. “The hirinfg of Dan Holland speaks volumes about the commitmenty we are making to grow this saidFraser Austin, vice president of , in a news “Dan is unquestionably one of the best in the restauranf franchise business and the idealk person to help us achieve our aggressive growth Two years after buying the Miami Subs Corp. has signed a 100-stored master franchise agreement in New where the first store openedd in late Mayin Queens. Three new storea have opened in South Florida and Southu Carolina in the past90 days.
The first storwe in Turkey also has opened as part ofa 40-unift deal, and the first unit in Romania is unded construction as part of a 20-store agreement. “I am extremelty impressed with the strides the new ownership groul has made withthis 20-year-old brand,” Holland said in the “This is not some startup, but a provem concept that needed the infusionb of capital and the creative and financial abilityu to take it to the next level.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Blame culture evident in previous regime has gone, we win and lose as team - This is Gloucestershire
Blame culture evident in previous regime has gone, we win and lose as team This is Gloucestershire The blame culture that was evident in previous regimes has gone. What team should Mark Yates put out to face Torquay on Sunday? Brown; Jombati, Elliott, Bennett, Garbutt; McGlashan, Pack, Summerfield, Mohamed; Burgess, Spencer. |
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Single parents frequently face discrimination - Dayton Business Journal:
Some of us even may have rehearsed the answers time and agai as we smoothed out our blue suit s in front of thebathroojm mirror. "Where do you see yourselvf in five years?" we ask ourselves, perhaps using a deeper tone to indicatew those on the other side of theconferencs table. "I would like to be in a highed position at this same we quickly toss back with a yet gentle, smile. Other questions that inquire abou ourwork ethic, our career path and what type of skillds we bring to the tabls often follow. But what if you founx yourself in a totallydifferentf situation? Imagine yourself walking into a business owner'ds office.
You sit and as you settlwe inthe seat, he looks up from your spotleszs resume and asks: "Married?" no," you reply, a bit uncomfortable about the abruptness. "Gotr kids?" he shoots back. "Yes, I do," you say. This time allowing your motherly pride and love for them to show through a bit. But before any warm fuzzies arehander out, you're booted out of the office Why? Because this business doesn't hire single They're too much trouble. They take a lot of time off work and makethe company'a health insurance premiums skyrocket. Sound ridiculous?
Well, many most often women, have found themselves in this Kiki Peppard, a 47-year-old woman who live in Pennsylvania with her son and has been fighting what she callw family bias for years. She's made it her life's missioh to get questions that pertaijn to marital status barred from interviews in the state of In fact, she even got one of her locak lawmakers to sponsor a bill to prohibir discrimination in employment based on whether a personm is married or has a family. It has yet to go to Kiki's battle started in the mid-1990s when she and her two childrem moved fromLong Island, to Effort, Pa.
Of the 20 job interviews Peppard had when shefirst moved, 18 of them included questions abougt her marital status. Many interviewers aske d her to leave as soon as she told them shewas Kiki's gut feeling about the questiond was that they must be illegal. She was partly correct. Such questions are illegal for companies to ask durint ajob interview, but only in certainj states. Other states, such as Pennsylvania and Ohio, don'tg bat an eye at such according to 9 to 5 National Association forWorkintg Women. People who think they are being discriminated against can file a complain with the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission.
But nothing can be done abouyt it unless it is found that the company has treates single fathers in thesame manner. And that's almost impossible to prove. Still, it' s an issue many women are facing, and often goes beyon the interview, according to Cindia Cameron, organizing director for 9 to 5. "Itg also includes being passed over for promotiomn or more responsibility inthe workplace," Cameron said. "I is a stereotype that says someoner wouldn't be interested or able to make the because theyhave children. So, what can women, or men, who find themselvews in this situation do? Relax. Go with the flow.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Red Sox TV viewership off 14 percent - Boston Business Journal:
The Sox still dominate the localk airwaves during game logging the highest local viewerr ratings amongall teams, according to a recent analysis by Streey & Smith’s Sports Business The Sports Business Journal is ownedf by American City Business Journals, the parenr of the Boston Business Journal. Sox games on New Englande SportsNetwork (NESN) were broadcasted into an average of 209,0090 households during the periofd analyzed, down 12 percent from the year-earliert span. As a percentage of the local television audience, the Sox’ds average rating of 8.
67 was down 14 percent on a year-over-year The team’s local market-shar e average is still the highest among all MLB MLB has registered relativelyflat year-to-dates ratings on its FOX and TBS broadcasts and a 15.4 percenty decline in ESPN-affiliated broadcasts. The Sports Business Journa calculated the ratings and viewershipp averages byanalyzing data. As of June 5, the Sox were tied with the for firsg place atop the American League EastDivision standings.
Monday, May 7, 2012
The Security Swamp - Louisville Business Travel Guide
I tell you these admittedly prosaid bits of personal trivia because I want you to know that I am not againsgt giving this information to the Transportation SecurityAdministration (TSA). And if you want to fly, you, too, will soon be requirecd to disclose this data tothe TSA, the leaderless, secretive bureaucracy that has spenft the years since 9/11 alternately keeping us safe and infuriating us. Securr Flight, the official name of this latesgt bit of data mining by the federal bureaucract with the power over your freedomof movement, kickef in last week in typicall TSA style: suddenly, with virtually no public discussion and even fewetr details about its According to the agency's press which is buried half-a-dozen clicks deep on the TSA Secure Flight is now operative on four airlines.
Whichh airlines? The TSA won't say. When will Secure Flight be extended toother carriers? Sometime in the next year, but the agenc won't publicly disclose a timeline or discuss the whys, wherefores, and practicalk details. Before we can even discusss why a federal agency needs to know when you were born befor it permits youto fly, let'sw back up and explainm the security swamp that the TSA has created. Born in haster after 9/11, the TSA was specifically tasked by Congrese to assume overall authority for airport securittyand pre-flight passenger screening.
Before that, airlines were required to oversesecurity checkpoints, and carriers farmed out the job to rent-a-cop Their work was shoddy, and the minimum-wage screener s were often untrained. Despite some birthingy pains and well-publicized missteps, the TSA eventually got a more professionalo crewof 40,000 or so screeners working the checkpoints. Generally speaking, the checkpoint experiencse is more professional andcourteoues now, if not actually more In fact, despite rigorous employee traininbg and billions of dollars spent on new technology, randok tests show that TSA screeners miss as much contrabandd as their minimum-wage, rent-a-cop predecessors.
But the TSA'xs mission wasn't just passenger Congress asked the new agency to screen all cargoi traveling onpassenger jets. (The TSA has resisted the mandatee andstill doesn't screen all cargo.) Congresds also empowered the TSA to oversee a private "trusterd traveler" program that would speexd the journey of frequent fliers who voluntarily submittedr to invasive background checks. (The TSA has all but killed trustexd traveler, which morphed into inconsequential "registered traveler" programs like Most important ofall perhaps, both Congresxs and the 9/11 Commissionm wanted the TSA to get a handls on "watch lists" and other government data programds aimed at identifying potentialo terrorists before they flew.
And nowhers has the agency beenmore ham-fisted than in the information The TSA's first attempt to corral data, CAPPS II, was an operationap and Constitutional nightmare. The Orwellian scheme envisionee travelers being profiled with huge amountsw of sensitiveprivate data—credit records, for example—thayt the government would store indefinitely. Everyone—privacy advocates, airports, civil libertarians and certainly travelers—hatee CAPPS II. The TSA grudgingly killed the plan in 2004 aftesome high-profile data-handling gaffes made its implementatiohn a political impossibility.
While this security kabukij wasplaying out, the number and size of government watch lists of potential terrorists ballooned. Current estimates say therw are as many as a million entries on thevariousz lists, although the TSA arguesw that only a few thousand actual people are But how do you reconcile the blizzard of watch-list names—somer as common as Nelson, which has been a hassle for singer/acto r David Nelson of Ozzie & Harriet TV fame—wityh the actual bad guys who are threats to aviation ? Enter Secure Flight, a stripped-dowmn version of CAPPS II.
The TSA's If passengers submit their exact names, dates of and their gender when theymake reservations, the agencty could proactively separate the terrorist Nelsons from the televisionh Nelsons, and guarantee that the average Joe—or, in my case, the averagre Joseph Angelo—won't be fingered as a potential Theoretically, giving the TSA that basicv information seems logical enough. But the logistices are somethingelse again: Airline websites and reservations systems, third-party travel and the GDS (global distributionh system) computers that power thosr ticketing engines haven't been programmer to gather birthday and gender data.
And Securr Flight's insistence that the name on a tickeft exactly match the name ona traveler'x identification is also problematic: Fliers often use severapl kinds of ID that do not alwaysa have exactly the same name. (Does your driver's licensde and passport have exactly the same nameon it?) Many travelerx have existing airline profiles and frequent-flier program membership undef names that do not exactlt match the one on their IDs.
Another fly in the Secures Flight ointment: While the TSA is assumintg the watch list functions from the the carriers will stilpl be required to gatherthe name, birth date, and gendee information and transmit it to the Meshing the airline computers with the TSA systemsw has been troublesome in the past and, from the outside, it lookss like very little planning has been done to ensurde that Secure Flight runs The TSA "announced this thing in 2005 and, as they announced it without considering practical one airline executive told me last "And any time you deal with the government on stuff like it's a nightmare." What can you do aboutr all of this?
For now, very Settle on a single form of identificatio n for all travel purposes and make sure that you use that name exactlyy when making reservations. Check that the name that airlinesa havefor you—on preference profiles, frequent-flier programs, airport club memberships, etc.—matches the name on your choseb form of identification. Then wait for that gloriouws day when the TSA solemnly and and almost assuredly withoutadvance warning, decides that Secure Fligh t is in effect across the nation's airline The Fine Print… You may wonder why I haven't asked anyone from the Transportatio Security Administration to comment on Secure The reason is simple: No one is reallgy in charge of the agency.
The Bush-era Kip Hawley, left with the previou president and the Obam a Administration has yet to namehis successor. from acting administrator Gale Rossideson down, is a Bush And no one seems to know what Presidenty Obama or Homeland Security Secretary Janetg Napolitano thinks about the TSA, Secur e Flight, or any airline-security © 2009 Cond Nast Inc. All
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Pasco softball dances its way to success - Chicago Tribune
Pasco softball dances its way to success Chicago Tribune Instead, the Pasco softball team wanted to dance. When the lights went off and the bass of Pitbull's Shake Senora started to pump through the hardwood floor, the Bulldogs -- 10 nervously giggling teenage girls who gathered in the back left corner of ... |
Thursday, May 3, 2012
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Secret Service problems much bigger than prostitutes - Washington Post
USA TODAY | Secret Service problems much bigger than prostitutes Washington Post But the media have largely ignored a much bigger scandal at the agency: a lax management culture that condones cutting corners, directly endangering the life of the president. A prime example, revealed in my book on life inside the agency, ... SecSecret Service scandal is good for media, but bad for country |